This is the right place if you would like to hear examples of orchestral works and compositions for film an other occasions from me.
Sit back and enjoy some samples and videos ♥♥♥
or on youtube
Jürgen Hochfeld - Orchestra Compositions
Cosmos laundromat
touching story of transformation and the meaning of life
On a deserted island, Frank, a suicidal sheep, meets a cosmic salesman named Victor, who gives him a new life. This story touched me so deeply that composing the music was a wonderful journey through my heart. I built the Easy Quena Asian Meditation bass flute that you can hear in the music myself. I am a professional composer and bamboo flute maker. ♥♫
Charge - a thrilling science fiction action animation
This touching story is about great courage and a very special friendship, told in stunning graphics. Rescored ochestral music by Jürgen Hochfeld.
Letter from the past
Original Music composed by Jürgen Hochfeld
You read an old letter from someone you loved. Images and thoughts appear in your heart and tell you his wonderful story again. A story of love.
tells a poetic story about the magic of a shepherd girl and her dog as they face ancient spirits to continue the circle of life Blender animation film with powerful images and a rescored orchestra music composed by Jürgen Hochfeld.
Those who lives in the north lives with the spirits
This film is a declaration of love to what we must protect. Touching the wilderness, being a part of it, is an insatiable need for me. When I feel the spirit within me, my heart dances. It is the source and the force from which everything once arose.
Nature documentary film by Jürgen Hochfeld
Die, die im Norden lebt, lebt mit den Geistern
Dieser Film ist ein Liebeserklärung an das, was wir schützen müssen. Die Wildnis zu berühren, ein Teil davon zu sein, ist für mich ein unstillbares Bedürfnis. Wenn ich ihren Geist in mir spüre, tanzt mein Herz. Sie ist die Quelle und die Kraft, aus der einst alles entstand.
Natur Dolumentation Jürgen Hochfeld
Hope - ... and how an orchestra brings emotions to life
How can you represent hope with a large orchestra? Hope moves between doubt and great confidence. The reason for this video was to show this a little.
The secret path
Once in another time there was a secret path which led to a land of many magical beings …
How to turn a bad day into a good one. Life must be love, and that goes for music too.
Original trailer music, speaker and script Jürgen Hochfeld
A last friend
This is a composition of an image that asks the question of honor and friendship.
Letter from the past
I imagined what it would be like to find a letter from a loved one from the past. Time stops and the words become living in the memory.
The cat that thoughed it was a dog!
Imagine a small cat strutting around like a big, powerful dog while no one is watching♥
What is left to say ...
Thoughts of a wizard
A wizard who looks thoughtfully over a vast landscape ...
Hope - is a composition for an audio book that I have not published yet.
A way a witch could walk ... better you don't get in her way:)
Tip 49 for composers ...
This new page will be continued ... thank you for listening!
You are interested of orchestral music for your project?
Let us talk about it. Send me a message ..♥